Monday, September 13, 2010

Dublin Culture Night 2010 takes place on Friday the 24th of September!

Have a look at what's going on all over the city. I'm sure you'll find something that interests you, as it's going to be a great evening of events. There's loads going on including Art events and I for one will be out and about that night. There's so many things going on I'd like to get around to many of the events!
It's just a pity it all happens on one night a year only. So go out and take advantage of the evening and free events. Follow the link for more.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life Drawing Autumn term 2010 starts very soon

The Life Drawing 10 week evening course in Hartstown Community School starts again on the 27th of September 2010.

You can enrol now by phone, post or online through the website at
Or if you like, you could enrol in person at the school next Monday 13th Sept. from 7.00 - 9.00pm.
Click the link for the website and details or have a look at the map for directions to Hartstown.
It's not far after the Blanchardstown centre if you're coming from the direction of Dublin city.
There's loads of free secure parking and buses are frequent aswell (They stop right outside the school), so it's easy to get there and back if you're travelling from outside the area.
Numbers are limited as usual, but there's lots of places at the moment, so tell your friends and family. All levels are welcome and we've got some great models lined up.
There's also coffee/tea break and it's a great way to make new friends. Hope to see you all there. Follow the blog in the meantime for any updates. Bye for now! Jason, Dublin Arts.